gpr-training-word-300x150 DID YOU KNOW....

  • ETC has four professional engineers registered in six states and Washington, DC
  • An Architect registered in two states
  • Seven Roofing Professionals with credentials from RCI
  • Two Reserve Specialists certified by CAI
  • A Green Roof Professional
  • Two Certified EIFS Inspectors
  • Three WACEL Certified Concrete and Steel Inspectors
  • Staff trained to use the latest WUFI software to analyze building envelope sections for moisture drive and condensation risk
  • Two certified Thermographers and two infrared thermal cameras
  • Two staff trained in the use of the latest 3-D Ground Penetrating Radar scanner
  • ETC can test concrete slabs for moisture content and emission

As you can see, ETC is committed to having a highly trained staff in a wide range of disciplines.  Call us anytime we can be of assistance.